Building a Member to Member Network of Atlantic City Security Professionals
Organizing is an attitude.
It's the attitude that you and your co-officers together can do something to make things better. It's the attitude that action is better than complaining. It's the attitude that all problems are just situations waiting for a solution. It's the refusal to be discouraged-at least not for long. It's the willingness to listen to others with RESPECT, so that plan you come up with reflects the good ideas of many people. If you have the attitude, you feel it is necessary to respond to unfairness. You are committed to building power with your co-officers, not just talking about it. You believe in collective action, even if you're just starting to understand it.
We are NOT organizing casino's we are building an organization of Security Professionals who's interest is to protect one another!
The first step in building and uniting the 2000 plus security professionals working in Atlantic City is to believe you can make a difference.
Participation is essential to our success!
One person alone cannot move a mountain but together as a united group we can!
How You Can Help Make a Difference.
Sign up for the RESPECT for A.C.S.P. Campaign.
Spread the word to other Atlantic City Security Professionals who you may see on the street, bus, or workplace about our movement.
Invite a Friend to sign a membership card or just visit this website
Become an active member.
Attending our meetings.
Take part in our organizing drive.
Participate in our calls for action plans.
Develop a list of names and phone # of fellow Security Professionals willing to participate.
Be a point of contact to help spread the word.
Become a Leader.
Educate yourself and others about your rights.
The Only Time an Employer RESPECTS it's Employees is When They Ban Together
to Build a Movement!
This is when the POWER Shifts from the Employer to YOU! We are not organizing any casinos we are organizing Atlantic City Security Professionals as a strong and united voice!